Playing the Long Game: How Bedtime Now Affects Your Child Later
Cheat Sheet: Bedtime should be before 9pm until children reach puberty Maintain a consistent bedtime, including on weekends Bedtimes later than 9pm are associated with difficulty falling and staying asleep, insufficient sleep, attention and behavior problems, and a...
What Does Science REALLY Say About Sleep Training?
What do we really know about the nature of sleep training?
Great Sleep: 10 Tiny, Powerful Habits
Want your child to sleep better? Of course you do! Here are 10 simple ways to improve virtually every aspect of your child’s health, by starting with good sleep.
Pediatric Sleep Library
Want to learn more about infant and childhood sleep? While most of the research can only be accessed through a paid subscription, some is available without restriction. These open access articles reflect a portion of the growing body of knowledge on pediatric sleep....
Why the Spring Time Change is So Much Easier for Kids!
On Sunday, March 14th, we'll spring forward one hour. We think of it as losing one hour of sleep--but what's actually happening is that you are asking your body to behave more like a morning person for the next 8 months of the year. Here's why that's pretty simple for...
6 Ways to Help Your Child Fall Asleep Faster
Your child can fall asleep easier with the help of a few simple tweaks. You can have more time in the evening to yourself. It’s like showing up at McDonald’s on free ice cream day: everybody wins.
Fact or Fiction? Babies Will Sleep Through the Night When They’re Ready
You won’t be rocking your child to sleep when he’s in college. But does that mean that sleep problems are not long-term?
When Will My Baby Sleep Through the Night?
Should baby be expected to sleep 12 hours straight by 12 weeks? Or is regular night waking at 12 months closer to normal? How do you know?
Sleep Training: Is it a Control Issue?
Is it okay to sleep train your child? Why do babies need to be sleep trained, anyway?
Adjusting for the Fall Time Change
You look at the clock to know what time it is. How does your body know what time it is? Learn more, and find out how to help your child adjust out of Daylight Saving Time.